These microgreens are so easy to grow (we've tried them in the tray to make sure they grow well, and they do!)
The delicate young leaves are packed with nutrients and flavour. They grow fast, and in about 2 weeks from seeding you have fresh, healthy microgreens ready to be snipped off and eaten.
They taste great and are wonderful in salads, sandwiches, smoothies and as garnishes.
You can grow the microgreen seeds in the soil or in the specially designed tray. We liked the tray because it sits on the kitchen bench where it is easy to remember to water them and convenient to snip them off and eat them. Plus it is really cool to watch them grow so fast, they change almost every day. You can grow them all year round and you need nothing but water and a paper towel.
The microgreen seeds come in three flavours.
Flavours of the Mediterranean - Basil, Rocket and Sunflower (this is the one pictured). Roughly 2800 seeds
The Orient - contains Mustard Ruby Streaks Garland Chrysanthemum and Coriander. Approx 3400 seeds
Western European - has Blend of Cress, Amaranth Red Garnet and Pea Morgan, about 3400 of them.
Eastern Europe - Pink Kale, Red Cabbage and Pea Morgan, approx 1850 seeds.
The tray is sold separately.
Full instructions come with both the seeds and the tray. If you are not completely satisfied with these seeds Mr. Fothergill's will gladly replace them for free. Performance subject to growing conditions.
* We cannot send these seeds overseas sorry.
This is a great gift to give children as they can see the seeds growing day to day.