The Great Kiwi Scavenger Hunt is excellent entertainment for the kids, indoors or out.
The tin box contains 14 erasable Spot It and 6 erasable Collection Cards, each with a number of items that the child must find. There is a box to tick once the item has been found. There are 4 erasable whiteboard markers.
It's a race to find all the objects first!
The Spot it cards are designed to play while travelling in a car. They have objects often seen from the car window. The Collection cards are great for playing at home, in the garden or at a park. Objects on the Collection cards are something green, a red leaf, a flower, something starting with the letter O.
Change it up and play over and over again. The box is filled with fun facts about some of the things you might see in your 'hunt' and is perfect for storing your game in.
All parts are safe for children to use. Recommended for ages three and up, 1+ players.