This is a hilarious, silly game.
You get dealt a hand of cards, a selection of tits, cocks, ass, pussies and beavers. These are all ranked in order and some cards will beat another. Giant beavers are great but nothing beats a Tiny Ass.
You start by shouting out 'Tit's Out', everyone has to follow suit and show their tits but if you cannot, you may raise it by showing your cock or beaver etc. Try to get the better of your opponent's Wrinkly Cock and howl at their Hairy Tits as you blow them away with your Cheeky Pussy!
It's mostly screaming out obscenities, encouraged by the game, at your fellow players but it's a lot of silly fun.
It's definitely not a family game but can be uproarious fun played with a group of work mates or friends (but pick your crowd carefully, prudes will not enjoy this game)
Best played with 3-6 players. Contains 54 brightly coloured funny, rude cards and the rules.