This is a puzzle that will really challenge your brain, but it can be done. The aim is to get the 'cigar' out of the whisky bottle. In order to do this the metal parts must be removed from the wooden cigar shape.
It's an appealing looking puzzle and it gets its name from Winstone Churchill who was famously often seen with a glass of whisky in one hand and cigar in his mouth.
(It seems that the whisky was well diluted, and the cigars were more chewed than smoked. But he had a reputation for a great capacity for both. In 1947 on being accused by Lady Astor of being drunk, he famously replied ‘And you Lady Astor are ugly. But I shall be sober in the morning’.)
Will you be able to master this challenging glass, wood and metal brainteaser?
If you're really stuck, then have a look at the YouTube clip below.
Makes a great gift for anyone that likes a challenge, or anyone that is a fan of Winston Churchill, whisky or cigars!