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Laura Shallcrass - congratulations for her three nominations!!

Huge congratulations to writer and illustrator Laura Shallcrass, for her book Hare & Ruru – A Quiet Moment being a finalist in three (yes, three!) of the 2021 New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults categories:
✶ Picture Book Award
✶ Russell Clark Award for Illustration
✶ Best First Book Award
This is an amazing achievement, especially as this is Laura's first picture book.

‘I really love how the book came together but I often suffer from self doubt, so hearing that other people like it too really feeds my soul!’  

The book, featuring stunningly beautiful art work by Laura took her over four solid years to complete. The Queenstown-based artist realises it was time well spent and is working on a new book featuring Hare and Ruru.

We cant wait to see it.  We will definately be stocking it in store and on our website. We are big fans!

 *** Update! Laura won the Russell Clark Award for Illustration at the 2021 New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults categories.

Watch out for her new book "What Colour is the Sky" being released later this year