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Birds Need Trees to Survive But It's A Two Way Relationship, Trees Need Birds too

The mighty Kererū is renowned for spreading seeds from over 70 native plant species far and wide. The big and bold bird is the only native large enough to eat some of the larger fruit from important forest trees like miro, tawa and karaka.

Having eaten their share of fruit and seed they then fly often long distances before expelling the seeds elsewhere, all within a perfectly natural fertilised package. This beautiful bird is also responsible for increasing the coverage of rimu, kahikatea and nikau too. Other native species also help spread valuable seed around New Zealand.

What can you do to help out? To start with, you can plant native trees of your own to attract feeding native birds. When food is scare during the autumn and winter months you can also supplement their diet with seeds, fruit fat, lard and bird food. (We have some great options of bird food and feeders on our website)

There are so many reasons to love our ‘locals’. Along with their unique shapes, colours and birdsong the role they play in the wider ecosystem is hugely important. Helping New Zealand’s native birds survive is therefore something all of the country should be behind.