7 Things To Do In Isolation
Here's a selection of our favorites, that we hope you'll enjoy. Good luck if you are in isolation. Stay well.
Puzzles are good for the brain.
Studies have shown they can improve your mood, lower stress levels and increase attention to detail.
We can highly recommend table tennis. Our set includes a pullout net that will fit most dining room tables, a couple of bats and balls.
Isolation can be a great time to spend time playing games with the family. A fun, inclusive alternative to screens. We have educational games, silly games and rude adults-only games. All are amusing.
We have loads of great kids' toys to keep them happily amused
We have a good selection of classic wooden toys that are creative and fun.
Our favourite books
The Garden Party team love to read. Here are our favourite books that we've read lately.
- Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe
- All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton
- Things I learned in Art School by Megan Dunn
All are available at our wonderful local, The Womans Book Store, online or instore.

More time to cook?
We enjoy having more time to cook. Isolation means it's not a mad dash in rush hour traffic to get home and prepare a slapdash meal to hunger fractious mouths. We luckily have a fig tree in the bottom of our garden and chopping up a ripe fig or two and throwing it on a green salad and drizzling with balsamic glaze wows people every time.
We are still open 7 days a week so please come and visit when you are able. If you are stuck at home then look us up online. We have a fabulous array of interesting products that may help your isolation pass more quickly?
click here to go to the website
Win 5 blocks of Wellington Chocolate Factory chocolate
WCF chocolate is simply divine. We are giving away 5 blocks of it so you can try it for yourself. We think you'll agree it is amazing.
Here's our insta page to enter www.instagram.com/thegardenpartynz/